Some Year End Thoughts
Hey champions! We really appreciate you all being a part of what we do and without you all, none of this would be possible. I wanted to give a few thoughts and lessons I’ve learned throughout this year.
Just give it a shot. One thing I learned this year is just try new things. You don’t have to have it perfect in order for it to be good enough. In fact, if you wait until it’s perfect, you will probably never start it. I gave doing reels a shot and I’ve seen a lot more engagement and views of our social media through it. Don’t feel like you need to have it perfect in order to start.
Family is important. We had some unique opportunities to spend with family this year between taking a few trips and also staying home with the kids while they were sick. While there were things I could have done instead while they were sick, I took the time to really enjoy that time with them (although a couple of days there, I was sick too so I had no choice). But throughout the time, I was reminded that ministry does not supersede family. While I believe we have done a good job of maintaining this balance, it’s something that’s always important to note, especially with younger kids. Never sacrifice your family for your ministry. Definitely not worth it.
Automate and batch anything you can. As we get closer to opening the tavern building, I’ve been looking at ways to simplify things that we do. We have looked doing so through batching and automation. Transitioning between tasks can take up to 45 minutes. Try to do similar tasks at the same time. For example, I do my social media for the month in one sitting. Another thing to look at is automating your tasks. That could include sending email thank you notes, paying for a service that could simplify your tasks. Freeing up time can help you focus more on your mission.
Keep the main thing the main thing. Don’t lose sight of why you do what you do. This phrase has been our motto and we like to keep this reminder. Remember throughout the administrative tasks and frustrating moments that you are doing what you do for a reason. Make sure you keep the main thing the main thing.
Thank you for continuing being supportive of what we do.