Nonprofit Missionary | Three books that shaped me for 2023

As I write this, I see the great irony in what I’m about to say.

I’m not a big reader.

Growing up, I’ve never been big about reading unless it was required for one class or another. Reading for fun has always to me seemed weird and pointless. But honestly, I’ve seen the value in it since graduating. Maybe I like it more because I’m not being told to read it too 😜.

I wanted to quickly share three books that I read last year and what I got out of them. Also I wanted to give a few quick tips to help you read more this year.

Book #1: No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert Glover (Amazon link here)

This book is more about marriage and relationships but provided an interesting perspective. Dr. Glover talks about “The Nice Guy Syndrome” where based on childhood conditions and anxieties, many guys today tend to simply please their wives in spite of what is best or their needs. I feel like this book helps people to establish their needs despite the anxiety of pleasing everyone. It helps create confidence in men and helped me to be more assertive in my needs and desires.

Quick caveat: This author does not come from a Christian perspective. He uses the same framework for gay relationships as well and praises divorce. Despite his worldview, I think his perspective and opinion provides some insight that is very valuable.

I am continuing to set aside any anxiety and fear from pleasing people and more willing to live in uncomfortable situations by expressing my voice. Not saying I’m perfect by any means but definitely learning more about it.

Book #2: The Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss (link here)

Talk about a book concerning productivity! This is quite the concept! Ferriss goes into how he restructured how he does work in order to increase productivity and change how his life looks. His philosophy about what work should look like is revolutionary and definitely has helped me reframe how I do things here as a nonprofit missionary.

Now working four hours a week is unrealistic when we have 12.5 hours of programming a week plus church services and outreaches. And for many that will read this, reducing to four hours is not realistic. However, looking at how to do work differently is critical in reaching your mission and vision.

Two very useful tips I’ve taken from this book (among others) is the importance of batching and communication. Did you know it can take up to 45 minutes to transition from one task to another? Batch your work so you can knock out more at one time. Also how I write emails has changed to try and avoid the 5 different replies.

Book #3: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero (link here)

I cannot say enough about this reading and would encourage all pastors to read it. The book explores how to grow more emotionally mature and how you can’t be spiritually mature and emotionally immature.

There are so many great nuggets in there and I could go on but I’ll be brief. One that I’ve been still processing is the way my family has shaped how I see the world as an adult. He has the phrase Jesus is in your blood but grandpa is in your bones. I’ve been more aware of why I respond the way I do based on my family of origin. Super helpful in dealing with everything.

The next thing I’ll mention is the contract between human doings and human beings. I have found myself caught up in doing things for God and neglecting to having the time of just being with Him. God has a plan for us but above all, he just wants us to be with Him, a new philosophy I’m taking with me as I head into what will be a year of change in our ministry.

All three of these books shave been beneficial for me and I look forward to reading (shocker I know) this year. Here is a few tips that have helped me read more.

  1. Replace social media with reading time. One way that I’ve read more is by trying (emphasize trying because it def isn’t a perfect formula) to read a page every time I feel like getting on Facebook or instagram. That’s not to say I never get on social media but some of those times where I just want to scroll on reels, I try to replace that with book reading.

  2. Borrow digital books from the library. Part of how I make that happen is by reading books more on the kindle app that I get through our local library. Check out if your library allows digital loans for books. Not only does it motivate me since it’s on my phone but also with the limit on how long I have pushes me to finish the book.

  3. Do audio books. Our library also does audio books and its another great way for me to get more reading in. It’s also helped with my Bible reading too but that’s for another day. Check to see if you can get a digital audio book, great way to do more reading this upcoming year.

Happy reading!


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